The Kuwait Airways Hijack Attempt?


It is my time to bid adieu to Bangalore as I am moving to Kuwait. I booked my tickets on Kuwait Airways since it is the only direct flight from Bangalore; they offer 46kg baggage, blessing for someone with lot to haul. So after downing my last cup of overpriced hatti kappi, I pushed my trolley to check-in to a very long queue; due to some technical difficulties only one system was working. After what seemed to be an eternity, everyone boarded the plane and the captain promised to make it up by reaching Kuwait on time.

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aanavandi (1)

Usually, if I have to go to my native land, I have to reach the bus station and try to decipher the faded notice with bus timings or enquire at the information desk. A group of KSRTC(Kerala  State Buses)  enthusiasts built aanavandi that allows users to get bus timings of  long distance buses. I just tried it twice and it was accurate to withing 15mins. This is certainly a better option than trying to get through the busy phone line. I hope KSRTC adopts the unofficial app (Android & Windows) and provide a better version soon.

Day 12 : Vasa Museet



I woke up late this Saturday and missed the walking tour at Slussen. Having made no other plans till lunch, a friend and I set out to explore the city. We got on what seemed like a sight seeing boat only to realize midway it was actually a ferry. A kind lady, a fan of one of India’s spiritual gurus, was happy to see our brown faces and struck up a conversation. She laughed at our mistake and suggested to get off at the island of Djurgården, home to several places of interests including Vasamuseet, Stockholm’s most popular museum.

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Day 07 : Norrtälje in Winter

For my first weekend in Stockholm, I decided to visit Norrtälje; 70kms north of the city. The temperature is slightly warmer and the snow in the city is getting slushy. This might be the last chance I get to enjoy the snow. We decided to take the bus from danderyds sjukhus since our SL access cards are valid and we would not have to pay any extra charges. I’ll be writing a post in the SL card later.

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Day 06 : O’Learys Sports Pub


As I mentioned in my earlier post, Systembolaget closes early on Saturdays. I found this out too late. So for our 1st weekend celebration we decided to go to a pub. The closest was O’Leary’s sport pub at Tyresö Centrum. The pub sparsely filled up with mostly older crowd with one guy cheering animatedly over a ice hockey match on TV. Initially I went for something to warm me up but ending up having my 1st Guinness on tap. I expected it to be much creamier, however it was significantly better than the Guinness canned version. We were struck up a conversation with the local lads who just got back from New York. The Swedes do seem to be a friendly lot.
Trip tip: The hard liquor prices are quite high and it is cheaper stocking up from Systembolaget.

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Day 03 : Land Of Supermodels


I can’t stop staring; six foot something tall, slender frame with flowing golden hair and piercing blue eyes standing next to me. The women are even more gorgeous; most in skinny jeans and impeccably styled attire, probably hurrying to their photo shoots. It is true when they say Sweden has the most beautiful people. They look much younger than their age. There must be a factory that churns out these flawless beauties. A colleague warns, “wait till summer; when they start shedding clothes…”

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Day 01 : Välkommen


I am travelling to Stockholm on business trip and as all international trip story commence, this too begins at the airport. The Bangalore airport was quite unmemorable; the check-in was uneventful and I spent my time browsing through the duty-free. I heard the one at the arrival section is not as large; I should verify on my way back. Qatar Airways, my flight, was hassle free like most flights are nowadays. The quality and services provided in the economy class are hardly the points of a deep discussion, but you will notice the Doha-Stockholm flight seats were more spacious and comfortable than the Bangalore-Doha ones; probably to comfort the taller Caucasian frame. The on-board movie selection was a few months old and the finicky touch screen ensures that it will take more than a few attempts to choose one.
The whole point of this post and the unnecessary preface is a warning. I had the beginnings of flu before I boarded my flight, nothing to get alarmed about. But the artificial air and the flight policy of ‘no serving of hot beverages during turbulence’ left me a wee bit dehydrated. Soon my nose was stuffy and my throat got dry and every change in altitude made my ear drums feel like sticks of dynamite, waiting to explode. The descents were excruciating and I just couldn’t get my ears to pop. Lesson learnt, always remember to smuggle a nasal decongestant.

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Incredible India Walking Tour App


I have always been a fan of the Incredible India campaigns. Now, in collaboration with Genesys International’s WoNoBo service, they have released a ‘walking tour’ app. WoNoBo tours, similar to Google Streetview, are already available on the Incredible India website and in printable PDF format.

Currently only the app is available for Blackberry devices and I hope they come out with one for android and iOS soon. Bangalore has three tours listed.