The Frozen Clucker Butchery

chicken cut parts

I, by my own admission, am an average cook. By that I mean I won’t impress you with my culinary skills but I can whip up something to satiate my hunger pangs. Chicken curry has become the staple since it is easy to make. Initially I used to buy from the local poultry shops where they cut it up as per my requirements. Being in the supermarket era, the ease of getting everything under one roof was tempting. I moved into only “breast” phase; yes, I’m still talking about chickens.  But once I moved to Kuwait, I found out frozen whole chicken don’t come pre-cut. So as a “millennial” I used the internet and found this video by Gordon Ramsay. Watch this one if you want to remove the skin first. Also I came across this funny old video, “How to Debone a Chicken in 18seconds?” by Master Chef Martin Yan. His ‘Yan can Cook‘ tv show was most likely the first cooking show I saw back when it was on KTV2. He is still funny.